In this directory are codes contributed by POM users. Please use on your oun risk, Princeton does not provide any support for these codes. If you want to contribute additional codes, please put them in the contrib-code directory, and provide all the necessary information how to use them, references and point of contact in the code itself. A list of codes (updated: AUG 2000) VERSIONS OR ENHANCEMENTS OF POM ------------------------------- ADVT.Lin.sub - upstream advection scheme based on (Lin et al. 94) ADVT.Sml.sub - upstream advection scheme based on (Smolarkiewicz 84) bcond-cyc.f - cyclic boundary condition version of BCOND GOMtide.f - an example of a pom application with tideal forcing init-zero.f - initialize all variables in pom obl.f - one dimensional Mellor-Yamada BL model pom_highsub.f - high order interp. scheme by P. Chu to reduce PG errors pom2d.f - two-dimensional channel-flow version of pom (Mellor & Wang, 96) PROFQ.Melsom - a correction to PROFQ suggested by A. Melsom PTS - potential temperature calculations river.f - a subroutine to put river runoff in pom vort.f - vorticity analysis (need to be used inside pom code) SUPPORTING PROGRAMS ------------------- grid.f - an example of grid generation and initialization program (*** see new version in GRID dir. not contrib-codes) plot.tmp.f - temperature plot on z-levels using special contour subroutine for curvilinear grid (NCAR graphics). plxyvec.f - vector plot (runpl is the run script) SIGTOZ - sigma to z-grid interpolation SURFF.sub - surface forcing for POM tracer.f - passive tracer tracking Wvel.sub - calculates real vertical velocity from w relative to sigma XYtoCURV.f - transformation of vectors from X-Y to curvilinear grid ZTOSIG - z-grid to sigma interpolation