From Wed Jun 26 09:14:31 1996 To: tal ezer Subject: Re: PROFQ Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Length: 788 Tal, We'll carry out some more tests before we use the modification in our operational version of the model, probably during July & August. I'll update you on results as work progresses. Here are the original & modified do-loops. Original POM code: DO 180 K=2,KBM1 DO 180 J=1,JM DO 180 I=1,IM IF(UF(I,J,K).LT.SMALL.OR.VF(I,J,K).LT.SMALL) THEN UF(I,J,K)=SMALL VF(I,J,K)=SMALL ENDIF 180 CONTINUE Modified code: DO 180 K=2,KBM1 DO 180 J=1,JM DO 180 I=1,IM IF(UF(I,J,K).LT.SMALL) THEN UF(I,J,K)=SMALL VF(I,J,K)=SMALL ELSEIF(VF(I,J,K).LT.SMALL) THEN LDEPTH=ABS(0.4*Z(K)*H(I,J)) IF(LDEPTH .LT. 1.) THEN VF(I,J,K)=LDEPTH*UF(I,J,K) ELSE c Assume L = 1m: VF(I,J,K)=UF(I,J,K) ENDIF ENDIF 180 CONTINUE -Arne