******************************************************************* * GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS WHERE POM IS USED * ******************************************************************* --------------------------- ABC ------------------------------------- Adreatic Sea; Aegean Sea; Agulhas; Amazon continental shelf; Antarctica; Arctic; Atlantic Ocean; Australian shelf; Axios River. Baltic Sea; Bass Strait; Bering sea; Black Sea; British Columbia. California, Continental Shelf; Chesapeake Bay; coast of Japan; Chile. Cretan Sea; Cyprus coast. --------------------------- DEF ------------------------------------- Delaware Bay; Denmark Straits; Deukryang Bay. East River, New York; East China Seas; estuaries. Faroe-Shetland Channel. --------------------------- GHI ------------------------------------- Galveston Bay; Gaspe Current; Georges Bank; Gibraltar; Great Lakes; Greenland Sea; Gulf of Mexico; Gulf of Elat (Aqaba), Gulf Stream. Hawaiian Ridge; Hudson Bay; Hudson-Raritan estuary. Indian Tip; Indonesian Sea; Ionian. --------------------------- JKL ------------------------------------- Japan Sea; Jiaozhou Bay; Jinhae Bay; Juan de Fuca Strait. Keweenaw Current; Knight Inlet; Korea Strait; Kuroshio. Labrador Sea; Lake Erie; Lake Hamana; Lake Michigan; Levantine Sea; Loch Sunart. --------------------------- MNO ------------------------------------- Malangen; Massachusetts Bay; Mediterranean Sea; Middle Atlantic Bight. New England Seamounts; New Jersey coast; New York/New Jersey harbor; New York Bight; Nordic seas; North Atlantic; Norwegian coast. Onondaga Lake, Oregon Continental Shelf. --------------------------- PQR ------------------------------------- Pacific; Po River; Polar Oceans. Red Sea; Rhodes; Rhone River; Rio de la Plata Estuary; Ross Sea. --------------------------- STU ------------------------------------- Santa Barbara Channel; Santos Bight; Skagerrak; South Atlantic Bight; South Atlantic Ocean; South China Sea; Southern Ocean; subtropic Sou-Nada; Straits of Florida; Sydney shelf. Tampa Bay; Tasman Sea; Texas Coast; Texas-Louisiana shelf. U.S. east coast. --------------------------- VWY ------------------------------------- Venice Lagoon. Weddell Sea; west coast; West Florida Shelf. Yellow Sea.