function PAR=PARabalone1 % % define model parameters and values = '1'; PAR.depth = 1; % vertical dimension of the volume (m) % infection rate by contact with infections particles % [infected produced/infectious particle/day] PAR.IPinfect = 0.003 ; %PAR.IPinfect = 0 ; % infection rate by contact with infectious individuals % [infected produced/susceptible animal/day] %PAR.Iinfect = 0 ; PAR.Iinfect = 0.001 ; % infection rate by contact with dead infectious individuals % [infected produced/susceptible animal/day] %PAR.Dinfect = 0 ; PAR.Dinfect = 0.0008 ; % mortality rate of infected [1/day] PAR.Imort = 8.d-2; % background mortality rate of susceptibles [1/day] PAR.Bmort = 0; % removal rate of dead [1/day] PAR.DeadDecay = 1.5 ; % infectious particles released by infected [particles/animal/day] PAR.Irelease = .015; % infectious particles released by dead [particles/animal/day] PAR.Drelease = 1.0; % removal rate of IP from the environment [1/day] PAR.IPremove = 0.001;