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Agenda, October 2004

Second NASA IDS Team Meeting
27-29 October 2004
Room 203
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
71 Dudley Road
(Corner of Dudley and College Farm Roads)
Rutgers University Cook Campus
New Brunswick, NJ
27 October
1000 1.0 Welcome and local logistics (Wilkin, Haidvogel)
1015 2.0 Update on project activities since last meeting, including action items (Hofmann, McClain)
1045 3.0 Updates on project component activities (20-30 minutes presentations)

3.1 Satellite-derived data sets (Signorini, McClain)

3.2 Primary production estimates from satellite data and VGPM2:Northeast (O’Reilly)

3.3 Historical DOC, POC, chlorophyll, etc. data sets – what has been acquired, issues associated with data acquisition and use, how to make available to team, and how to use these data (Mannino, Lee)

3.4 Historical nutrient data sets (Najjar)

13303.5 Circulation model including diagnostics (Wilkin, Haidvogel)

3.6 Modifications to the structure of the biogeochemical model (Fennel)

3.7 Comparisons between ROMS, in situ, and satellite estimates of chlorophyll, productivity, POC, PAR, etc. (Wilkin, O’Reilly, Fennel)

3.8 Implementation of 1D model for SAB and data assimilation studies (Friedrichs)

3.9 Regional climate model (Najjar)

1515Coffee Break
1530Continue discussion of project components
1700Adjourn for Day
28 October
0830Finish discussion of project components from previous day, if needed.

4.0 Discussion of modifications, improvements, etc. needed for biogeochemical and ecosystem models (All)

1015Coffee Break
10305.0 Discussion of team web site – attempt to decide on final template and content (All and including input from John Evans at IMCS)
1330Continue discussion of model structure, if needed.

6.0 Discussion of the data products/analyses that are needed to guide the circulation, biogeochemical/carbon cycling model development, calibration and verification, including development of data climatologies (All)

1500Coffee Break

Continue discussion of models, data products/analyses and climatologies

1700Adjourn for Day
29 October
0830Summarize and continue discussion from previous day, if needed (All)

7.0 Computer resource needs and accounts (Wilkin, Hofmann, McClain)

8.0 Discussion of potential circulation, biogeochemical, and climate simulations to be undertaken (All)

9.0 Project Business

9.1 People needs, e.g. post doctoral investigators (McClain)

9.2 Coordination with other projects (Hofmann, McClain)

9.3 Upcoming Meetings – Benguela Current Modeling and Data Assimilation Workshop, Fall 2004 AGU, Ocean Sciences 2006, ??? (Hofmann)

9.4. Set date and venue for next team meeting (Hofmann)

9.5 Other Business (All)

1200Lunch and Adjourn

Last updated 08/19/2005.
This page is maintained by Julie R. Morgan
Copyright Info: Old Dominion University 2005