30 April 2001
L.M. Gould

Hi Pete and friends,

Today was our first real work day on the Gould at process station 1. We began with an hti drift station and then proceeded to use our small 5' Tucker trawl for live animal capture, which was very successful. We caught large numbers of  E. superba furcilia and calyptopis stages, depth of the net was estimated at 250 m based on the physiognomy of the catch, which included one Electrona. We let 400 mwo and figured slightly better than 2-1 scope. At high noon we deployed the CTD.  In the afternoon we continued live netting until about 1600, when we started our ADCP survey. Sufficient animals were caught for us to begin all physiological measurements. Tomorrow we will finish our ADCP survey and begin doing some serious netting.

Weather is pretty dicey, with winds out of the west at 30 knots as of this writing. 35 knots is the LMG cutoff for work. Hopefully, since the barometer seems to be climbing a little the wind won't get too much worse.

Best to all, Jose