3.1 Zooplankton

The key questions for the zooplankton component should focus on population dynamics in the context of:

  1. seasonal and geographical variations in the distribution of Southern Ocean key zooplankton species, especially in relation to the physics of the environment;
  2. the distribution of Southern Ocean zooplankton in relation to the distribution of food biomass and production;
  3. factors affecting successful reproduction;
  4. factors influencing larval survival and recruitment;
  5. overwintering strategies.

Recommended target species include Euphausia superba, Calanoides acutus, Metridia gerlachei and Salpa thompsoni.

3.2 Top predators

The key questions for the top predator component should focus on:

  1. effects of seasonal and geographic variability in sea-ice on predator populations;
  2. the role of physical and biological characteristics of sea-ice in affecting foraging performance, reproductive success and survival of top predators;
  3. how fluctuations in prey availability affect foraging performance, reproductive success and survival of top predators;
  4. how changes in the availability of krill and other prey affect their allocation among dependent predator species;
  5. how predator foraging activities alter the distribution and abundance of krill and other prey;
  6. strategies of overwintering, to gain knowledge of a critical mortality period.

Recommended target species include Crabeater seals, Adelie penguins, snow petrels, Antarctic petrels, fish and squid.