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SEE Image Software
PC users, click here.

I n s t a l l a t i o n 



To install, 

  1. Choose the link that matches your computer type. Click on the highlighted file name and this will download SEE Image in a Stuffit archive (.sit).
  2. Once SEE Image is finished decompressing, you may delete the .sea.hqx and .sea files.
  3. Drag the SEE Image folder onto your hard drive.


S E E   I m a g e   f o r   P o w e r   M a c i n t o s h 


SEE Image 2.56 PPC

      Power Macintosh 
      256-color capable 
      2MB of RAM 
      (8MB recommended) 
      1MB Disk Space 
      System 7.0 or later 


S E E   I m a g e   f o r   E a r l i e r   M a c i n t o s h e s 


SEE Image 2.56 68k

      68k or earlier 
      256-color capable 
      2MB of RAM 
      (8MB recommended) 
      1MB Disk Space 
      System 7.0 or later 


  S E E   I m a g e   f o r   W i n d o w s


SEE Image is currently unavailable for Windows. 
However, a Mac emulator such as ARDI's Executor may run the Mac 68k version. For more information on Executor, click here.

      Pentium 90
      256-color capable
      4MB of RAM
      (8MB recommended)
      1MB Disk Space
      Windows 95
      Windows 3.1

If you need help, contact Elizabeth A. Smith: exsmith@odu.edu, 757-683-5567 

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