############################ HELP FILE ################################ --------- commands and programs to remember --------------------------- MOUNT LOCAL DISKS ----------------- mount /mnt/zip (or cdrom or floppy) umount /mnt/zip eject /mnt/zip CD Creator in Linux ----------------- xcdroast GUI or: (alias- mkcd dirname) put all files to be saved in localdir sudo mkisofs -RJ -o image.iso /localdir/ (map all files to image.iso) sudo cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 image.iso (cp files to cd) PROCESS STATUS ------------- top (mem & cpu of all applications) ps -ef (report all running processes) ps -f -u ezer (only user's processes) kill -9 PID (kill process # PID) cat /proc/cpuinfo (list info such as CPU MHz & RAM etc.) CHECK EMAIL ADDRESS (user@server.edu) ------------------- telnet server.edu smtp expn username quit (or ctr-]) traceroute servername.edu Trace internet rout (check if connected) CPIO ---- ls * | cpio -ov > fnm.cpio put all files in the dir in fnm.cpio cpio -iv < fnm.cpio unpack to individual files cpio -itv < fnm.cpio list files in archive (not created) NOTE: craycpio2ascii CRAYfile.cpio SGIfile.cpio convert T90 into SGI file TAR --- tar -cvf file.tar *.f archive all files in file.tar tar -xvf file.tar extract files tar -tvf file.tar list archived files netCDF tools ------------ ncdump fnm.nc > fnm.txt dump nc file into ascii format file ncview fnm.nc interactive tool to view or plot nc data file TeX (or Latex) --- tex fnm.tex (on splash, --> fnm.dvi) xdvi fnm.dvi (x-window viewer of formatted file) dvips fnm.dvi (send formatted text to printer) dvips -o fnm.ps fnm.dvi (make ps from dvi) soffice StarOffice5.1 - MS Word-like word-processing for LINUX word, excel, point - aliases for MS crossover on linux FIGURES ------- gimp (LINUX-GNU Image Manipulation) edit ps,gif,jpeg & more GQview (LINUX) view & edit gifs (edit xpaint->ps) xpaint (LINUX) open (gif/jpeg/tiff/xwd) save (ps) ggv (LINUX ghostview) view postscripts gs (ghostscript) view postscripts gv (ghostview) view & print postscripts xv (xview) view & save as post, gif, tiff, bmp mgv (gfdl only) view & save as post, eps (also .gz, .Z) realplay RealPlay (for Linux) mpeg_play play mpeg movie mplayer play mpeg movie gmplayer as mplayer + graphic interface to control xanim (UNIX) play gif/jpeg animation (fwd/bck/pause) animate (LINUX) play gif/jpeg animation (fwd/bck/pause) display (LINUX) view many diff. formats. (see ImageMagick) import (LINUX) capture part of screen or window (fnm.jpg, eps, def:miff) acroread (unix) view & print pdf files acrobat reader (mac,windows) view & print pdf files acrobat distiller (mac,windows) ps/eps --> pdf transfer acrobat exchange (mac,windows) edit text, figures in pdf format **** Making gif animation for Netscape from postscripts: indigo: convert -crop 0x0 -delay 20 -loop 5 f* anim.gif (crop non white area, 20/100 sec between imgs, 5 repeat loops, f1.ps,f2.ps...) CONVERT can transfer many formats (convert f.ps f.eps; convert f.ps f.gif etc.) Adobe FrameMaker (Indigo) edit epsi,rgb,gif,texts /usr/local/frame/bin/maker Adobe Illustrator (windows) edit ps,eps,pdf,tiff,word.. (Note: AIeps file moved from NT to splash- delete 1st line junk before %!) 1st line of ps post type edit capability %! /showpage MULTIMET edit text added in multipost %!PS /save NCAR (T90) edit some lines %!PS-Adobe-2.0 MATLAB edit text/lines %!PS-Adobe-2. EPSF-2.0 AIMAKER edit all aimaker fnm.ps > fnm.aieps (unix) ps --> adoby eps (for Adobe Illust-MAC) ps2gif (or ps2ppm gif8 fnm.ps > fnm.gif on splash) /bin/xwd2gif fnm.gif (splash) capture screen (then use xv --> ps) fmepsi (on gfdl /home/hnv/pub) ps --> eps (replace ps2epsi) MUNPACK ------- *** Note: in some cases the binary doc is attached to text so MS-Word does not recognize it. Then delete text so first lines look like this- --================_678909887============= Content-Type: msword; name="FILENAME.doc" Then transfer to GFDL's INDIGO and unpack using the util. munpack fnm a new file FILENAME.doc will be created which can be read on MS window. (attachment FMN.DOC,ae6 after munpack need to be read on MAC not WINDOW) Editting UNIX postscripts using ACROBAT on Windows-NT ---------------------------------------------------- 1. NT> FTP file.ps splash -> NT 2. NT> Acrobat Distiller file.ps -> file.pdf 3. NT> Acrobat Exchange - simple edit (touch text (T) & pages) save as file.pdf 4. NT> FTP file.pdf NT -> splash 5. splash> acroread file.pdf -> print-to-file file.ps To combine a large postscript figure with a MS-Word document in one PDF file: Use Acrobat-Distiller to create fig.pdf from fig.ps; use MS-Word File- print-to-pdf to create txt.pdf; then combine the two files using Acro-Exchange. Scanning a document and put it on the web for downloading ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. MAC> OmniPage- scan image - save as fnm.tiff - open with Adoby print fnm.ps 2. SPLASH> with ftp get fnm.ps then on NT> ftp from splash to windowNT. 3. NT> Acrobat distiller ps->pdf, Acrobat exchange to combine pages. 4. Move back to splash as pdf, use acroread to save as ps. SGI --- qlogin -pe ac.inter 1 -l ac1 qsub -any runscript qh- shows load on all machines qr -u tne shows jobs of tne qdel # remove from q qdel -k # remove from run alias home gquota -h # all group home quota alias disk gquota -d # home, archive, tmp quota alias cpu gquota -c # group cpu use summary # # dmbadf user list files on bad tapes sent for recovery dmls * ("-" disc, "m" tape, "M" tape&disc) dmdisk -l list files never dmput dmdu (in /archive/user) disk & tapes TIMBERLINE (<80mb) & REDWOOD |****************** vi EDITOR [vi fnm; vi -r fnm (recover)] **********| | | | INSERT: a - after this pt. ; i - before | | REPLACE: r - character ; R - rest of line | | DELETE: x - char. ; dd - line ; D - rest of line ; d3 - 3 lines | | OPEN LINE: o - after ; O - before | | COPY: 3yy - yank 3 lines, p - put them where cursor is | | J - join lines | | SCROLL FIND | | Ctr-D - down half page :/string (n/N DW/UP) :r fnm - read file | | Ctr-U - up half page :u - undo last | | Ctr-F - page forward :1,.d DEL 1-HERE :w - write | | Ctr-B - page backward :1,$ s/A/B/g REPL ALL :q! - quit | | ESC - end command :nu CURRENT LINE NUM. :wq - write & quit | | :se nu SET LINE NUM. | | highlight text- ctr-v to start then move to end | | change case: ~ on current char. or on highlighted text | | :1,$ s/...// DEL ALL 1st 3 ch in TEXT | | :1,$ s/^\([^,]*\), *\(.*\)/\2 \1/ REPLACE COLUMNS (SEP. BY ,) | | | | :1,$ s/ctrV ctrM// Remove ^M from end of line (data from PC) | | | | ______________________________________________________________________